Why Are They Called Wisdom Teeth? Everything You Need to Know
Did you ever wonder how come the third set of molars were called ‘wisdom teeth’? In this article, we will discuss the history behind this peculiar name and examine all the important facts and features you ought to know about those teeth that can be a real source of pain.
In the field of dental healthcare, the discussion of wisdom teeth is relatively familiar among people. These wisdom teeth, which start to appear in late teens or early adulthood, can create numerous problems for so many individuals. Because wisdom teeth are the last to come in, it is important that the purpose, growth and troublesome issues related to these teeth should be fully understood. Here is the detailed guide regarding wisdom teeth, their history, common issues, and the way how to deal with them today.
What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Definition and Function
Third and last molars that usually develop in people are known as the wisdom teeth. These are the third and the last teeth from the front of the mouth and they are; two on the top right and two on the bottom right. Originally, wisdom teeth were considered useful teeth in the human mouth since they were useful in mastication of hard and raw foods. Through the course of human development, the reliance on additional molars has lessened with shifts in diets and has consequently caused various problems to a number of individuals in today’s society.
Location in the Mouth
Third molars are found at the very back of the mouth, between the second molars and the cheek or tongue. This makes them hard to clean because of their position and is also vulnerable to cavities and other forms of gum diseases. This positioning also makes impaction more probable because there is usually little space in the jaw for these third molars. Wisdom teeth are also located in a very cramped position in the mouth and their extraction can also be very complex given that in some cases you may require an oral surgeon to undertake the procedure.
Why Are They Called Wisdom Teeth?
Historical and Linguistic Origins
The term “wisdom teeth” has its roots in both history and language. The origin of this name is from the Latin word ‘dens sapientiae’ which means ‘tooth of wisdom’. This term was later borrowed into English for the term “wisdom tooth” or “wisdom teeth.” Relation between these third molars and wisdom has existed in many cultures and languages in the world, such as German, Korean, Thai and other languages.
Connection to Age and Maturity
The name “wisdom teeth” is closely tied to the age at which these molars typically emerge. As they usually appear during the late teenage years or early twenties, a time often associated with the onset of adulthood and maturity, they were given a name that reflects the wisdom that comes with age.
When Do Wisdom Teeth Typically Emerge?
Typical Age Range for Eruption
Wisdom teeth usually come through between 17-25 years of age. This is, however, a general time frame for the emergence of wisdom teeth and can differ greatly from one person to another. It may also happen that wisdom teeth grow in the late twenties or even at the beginning of the third decade while some people get them at the age of mid teens. Some people will experience their wisdom teeth erupting in their teenage years while others will need a tooth extraction in their thirties or forties and that is why it is so vital to attend regular dental appointments to ensure that we are aware of the progress of our teeth.
Variations in Timing
Scheduling of eruption of the third molars may be caused by heredity and the overall process of dental development. While some people may never grow their wisdom teeth at all, a situation known as agenesis affects between 20 and 25 percent of the populace. In other cases, people might have more than four Third molars, which is referred to as supernumerary wisdom teeth. Such variations in the development of the third molars provide a rationale for both individualized dental treatment and routine panoramic measurements to check on the location of the teeth and the possible consequences they may provoke.
Are Wisdom Teeth Still Necessary Today?
Evolutionary Purpose of Wisdom Teeth
Traditionally, wisdom teeth were a useful tool when it came to food consumption. Our ancestors had a raw food diet that can only be crushed using a lot of chin strength. The third set of molars that wisdom teeth offered aided them chomp and mash these hard foods including leaves, roots as well as meat. Previous to that, human jaws were larger than they are today, and there was usually sufficient room to contain the third molars. Evidence of wisdom teeth in early human populations evidence that they were useful for the requirements in the diet.
Why They’re Less Useful Now
General human diets changed over the years, and people no longer require the presence of third molars or wisdom teeth. Our jaw muscles have started to get smaller over the years due to the introduction of cooking and taking tender and processed foods. This has in turn reduced space for the third set or the wisdom teeth which leads to crowing and other dental problems. According to the recent information about the persons of the new generations, the third molars are considered to be the vestigial organs, which are the biologic structures that have lost their uses and may even become pathogenic.
Common Issues with Wisdom Teeth
Problems Associated with Eruption
The eruption of wisdom teeth brings various issues to the lives of lots of people. Some common problems may be pain, inflammation, and / or gum tenderness. Also, the presence of wisdom teeth may cause crowding and mispositioning of other teeth, leading to biting problems and improper oral hygiene. They can lead to higher likelihood of developing cavities, gum diseases, and various other dental-related problems.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
This is one of the serious complications people face concerning their wisdom teeth. This is normally as a result of a wisdom tooth being partially buried in the gum or being positioned unevenly towards other teeth. For those with impacted teeth, the wisdom teeth can lead to great pain, formation of an abscess, and development of a cyst in the jawbone that may damage the neighboring teeth. Occasionally the impacted wisdom teeth may also cause formation of cysts or tumors in the jaw which may necessitate major surgery.
Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?
Reasons for Extraction
In many instances, dentists advise that third molars be extracted for a variety of reasons such as to prevent or treat a condition. The most common grounds for extraction are overcrowding, recurrent infection, periodontal pathology, caries and trauma to adjacent teeth. It usually benefits patients by preserving the other teeth, as well as reducing any other possible ensuing issues that might come with the growth of these third molars. At times, third molars extraction may be advised even if there is no evident current problem since it can only create even more severe complications in future.
When They Can Stay
Although, not all the wisdom teeth may require extraction. If these teeth are fully erupted, well aligned, and do not pose a problem with hard deposits and gums around them or other adjacent teeth, they can be left as they are. However, it is crucial for them to undergo continued observation as a way of making sure that they do not develop into issues. Sometimes, the wisdom tooth may seem to have normal eruption, fully erupted and alignment, but due to difficulties in reaching them during the brushing exercise they may be more prone to cavities and gum diseases.
How to Care for Wisdom Teeth
Monitoring Wisdom Teeth Growth
It is important to have your teeth checked periodically by a dentist so as to know the progress of their development of wisdom teeth. It is convenient for your dentist to use X-rays and examinations to see the condition and development of your wisdom teeth and detect any problem in advance. Such action enables treatment before a problem is evident and can also prevent risks inherent in situations where an impaction or alignment issue occurs. In these check-ups, you may also be advised on how to take care of your teeth or be advised to have any treatments you may need for your wisdom teeth or other oral structures.
Preventing Problems with Wisdom Teeth
Periodic brushing and flossing of teeth is highly recommended, to minimize escalating issues with the wisdom teeth. It is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss daily, and gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash. Meanwhile, always take care to clean around your wisdom teeth because these parts of the mouth are most vulnerable to forming tartar deposits. However, if you notice any signs of inflammation or another problem with the alleged wisdom teeth, it is advised to turn to your dentist for help. Besides practicing proper oral hygiene, one should also control their diet and limit the intake of foods that are high in sugar and acids since these elements can contribute to the deterioration of the already comparatively less healthy third molars.
Why Choose Clove for Wisdom Teeth Care?
At Clove, our team of dental care specialists ensures that you get the best services especially when you need wisdom teeth care. Equipped with the current technology and with a focus on the patient, we are able to assist you in the proper care and management of your teeth focusing on your wisdom teeth. Our talented dentists have the knowledge base for wisdom tooth evaluation, removal, and follow-up treatments, guaranteeing the superb treatment for your comfort in a friendly environment.
Schedule Your Wisdom Teeth Consultation Today
Whether you are struggling with the symptoms related to wisdom teeth or just would like to get more information about the treatment, please, contact Clove and make an appointment with one of our dental specialists. We provide a professional and welcoming service, ensuring all your queries, problems and needs are met to obtain optimal oral health and a luxurious smile. If you are suffering from wisdom teeth problems do not let it ruin your life – consult the specialists of Clove today!
FAQs About Wisdom Teeth
Not everyone experiences problems with their wisdom teeth. The third molars may fit in the mouths of some people without any problem because they have adequate space in their jaws for these teeth. Still, even if the teeth erupt without problems, these third molars are generally more susceptible to cavities, gum disease or infections because of their positioning; that is why it is crucial to visit a dentist regularly, and follow proper oral hygiene habits. One should note that there can be no pain and no visible problems, but it does not mean that the wisdom teeth are in good condition, and it is very important to consult a dentist professionally.
Yes, wisdom teeth can erupt through the gum without any sign of discomfort or pain. However, they need to be checked frequently to determine if they are developing properly and if they’re not causing any unseen harm. Sometimes, wisdom teeth emerge without discomfort at the outset but develop problems later, including cavities or gum disease. The lack of pain during wisdom tooth eruption can sometimes lead to a false sense of security, making it all the more important to maintain regular dental visits and to be vigilant in monitoring any changes in oral health.
If you find that your wisdom teeth are pushing through, then it would be beneficial to see your dentist. In this way, they can tell you what you should do in order to get the result you want/need. Sometimes, your dentist may say that he/she will allow your wisdom teeth to grow without causing any intervention. In other cases, they may suggest removal so as to avoid the risks that could develop in the future. You must also make sure that you adhere to the instructions given by your dentist as well as be clear to him or her in case of signs or developments you feel uncomfortable with in the eruption process.